A prerequisite for the DVD to upgrade Windows 7 is the presence of an m $ OS in a partition of the hard disk on which to perform the upgrade.
Is it possible to use the optical media to update even in the absence of a previous operating system Micro $ oft:
- Start the computer with the DVD upgrade of Windows 7.
- Proceed with the installation wizard until the screen activation request.
- Complete the installation wizard and restart the system by going to Windows 7
- In the presence of pending system updates make sure they are installed before
- START> Run ... (Shortcut key WIN + R)
- regedit (ENTER) Select the key
- : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Setup \\ OOBE
- set, by double click, the value of the subkey MediaBootInstall zero "0 "
- START> All Programs> Accessories> Command Prompt
- right-click on Command Prompt> Run as administrator It is necessary that the commands are executed inside the console launched with administrator rights
- > slmgr-rearm Reboot
- Activate Windows with the activation tool found in the Start menu and Control Panel
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