Friday, March 26, 2010

I Cant Remove The Back Of The Stud Earings


June 1993
Our story begins 13 nay! 14 years ago, when I finally got married. Years pass and the desire for a child becomes natural. But attempts and show that we care for us is no longer so obvious. After several failures, together, we thought about the possibility of adoption. Adoption
The word was almost unknown, and we knew very little when we thought it would be our choice.
2001 There enter in this way, the adoption, with good intentions and enthusiasm, even if the fears of not being up to have all the requirements, have accompanied us since dall'inzio.
have started as the first documents to present our application of national and international adoptions. We remember the first impact with the Juvenile Court in Florence, when entering the room, we were afraid of being "only" to embark on this path. Rather surprised, we find ourselves among the other couples who have taken the same decision and break the ice talking to whoever is ahead in the path, to learn what will happen next, after this initial presentation. Submitted our application, beginning after a period of medical checks, interviews with social workers and psychologists, to the final relzione that brings us to successfully obtaining a decree of 'suitability.
June 2002
obtained the decree, we seem to have conquered the world, how many doubts and uncertainties at this time that today, in 2007 just started, I think it really is a joke. All that time it was really the least of our history, which still has not reached anywhere.
December 2002
obtained the decree, we take a little time to give us an idea sull'assoziazione / Body had to choose to help us in our international adoption. We choose a body for various reasons it seems most appropriate (not named him because he has no need of publicity). Let's first briefing and then a two-day course with other couples.
January 2003 was January and we started a 'truly different location unknown. After the course, thinking about the good impressions of their intervention, we give them the mandate to follow our practice. The wait is projected that there is about a year, for possible matches.
January 2004 received a proposal to submit our documents for India and all 'moment accept the idea that our Future Kids were there.
June 2004 One fine day we receive a phone call that tells us that it received a report of a child! We are completely out of my head ...!
few days later, show us his photos and a report. E '!!!!.. she is our baby. We never asked, or guess, as could have been, it was difficult to imagine a child or come from afar, but was / were ao, small or large, we decided to adopt, to open our home and make room in our hearts, increasing our love to give it to someone else. We did not need to think about it, she was, had already entered into our eyes and fell way down in our hearts pounding with joy and surprise. From that moment we felt his parents, his dad and his mom. The same day we signed the acceptance of his segnalzione. Seena and he was one year and two months. He lived in an orphanage in Bombay
When we ask the waiting time, they tell us that the past would be approximately one year and little more, to fetch the little Seena!
September 2004 After a few months, all the documents signed by Notary Public which will be shipped to India, the wait for new photos and a report that had to get her new shortly thereafter, we were told! ! Unfortunately the weather begins to move and the months follow each other without further changes. In December they tell us that the baby is well and ask us to prepare the passports, and ask us to do so by the end of the year. This gives us hope.
We send our best wishes to the child and the Institute for the Celebration of Christmas.
April 2005
begin to wonder and ask the 'body, the reason for this waiting with no news, no pictures of the girl. In the meantime we send best wishes to Seena for his 2nd birthday, I still hope, even if we begin to perceive the difficulties that the 'body has also to communicate with the institute and the Indian representative on the spot. We participate in meetings organized by the association and we are also talking with the President, who is waiting for this show angry and promises to shake up his interest in the situation. In October, it seems that the child is issued an important document that was missing (the NOC = "NO Objection certified" by an Indian Agency called CARA = CENTRAL ADOPTION RESOURCE AGENCY) it needs to be taken from us.
In the meantime I started a long time, research on everything related to the 'adoption in India, which is the sitituto Shejar Chhaya, the orphanage where the child is, all that perhaps someone else ... had to say and is not able to convey!
.... And they start following one another institution letters, phone calls to no avail, while BEGINNING to ask to receive a copy of the NOC as on evidence of ricevimento.Spedisco for the 2nd time he wishes the institute and Seena and write a letter of recommendation to the CAI in Rome.
During this period, what assures us, sustains us and encourages us is the knowledge of the many couples we meet: there are so many games with us, others encountered along the route. Couples in their first experience, others who could relate the experience to them, etc. .... we have our THANK by their proximity and experience.
January 2006 : umpteenth call one of our body we learn that the Father who directs the institute, in response to an email, announced that the baby is fine and days later, we learn from another institution that the secretary has not yet received the famous director of the NOC which is to present all the documents in court for the final sentence. In the meantime we ask for a meeting with the President and successive phone calls.
comes the reply .. Cai, who spoke with the 'body and that I be notified of my process is proceeding slowly but surely. The Board also to Cai said that the NOC has been issued.
HOWEVER ......
February 2006
The NOC has not been issued, or if they did, was lost, why not come to the Institute. Meanwhile, we meet a delegate of the President who gives us little hope, to which we expose our hesitancy as relations with the school yard, which can ask the entity to make a trip to India to break the deadlock. Let's see some pictures we found of Shejar Chhaya found on the Internet, with some boys and girls, among which we may in our small but we can not recognize it as that seen in 2004, she was small. Let's see some lists we found at the site of the Court of Bombay where periodically come out the names of foreign couples who get the hearing and the sentence. For the journey tells us that by July-August were in anticipation of leaving for the 'India. (NEVER DONE)
March 2006 On March 8 after my continuous phone calls telling me that they managed to talk directly with the head of CARA that has issued the NOC in those days for her. We are told that we have the farannno to copy some photos and ask the institute.
On March 21, 2006: finally we can see in 6 photos, our little girl now grown up. what a beauty !!!!! Together there is a new report and copy of NOC issued last March 6. The happiness of those moments takes very little. At the end of March we sign the new documents to the notary.
April 2006 for the second time we send a note cards for the 3rd birthday of the child. We ship all documents will be used for presentation in court of Bombay.

TIME through and ........
June 2006 In my research on the Internet I find an update of a site, a family which has taken 2 times for the Shejar Chaaya and Danish. In 2005, I find a picture, in which we see many children, including in the front row ... the little Seena an attitude that seems to say ... <> (see photo)
July 2006 continue calls to 'Body and the President, without success, while I point to' that body from the site of CARA is noted that the institute has a license that expires on November 4 next . On the other hand tell me not to worry, this will not affect our percorso.Il July 19 comes another list of documents to be done. Li riconsegnamo the 20 ... the next day! and sent to Piacenza, where he will amndati the Indian Consulate in Milan.
September 2006 The wait has become untenable. The documents were returned in July from india 's Sept. 8 and received in India on 12. !!!!! We participate in several meetings with the agency and ask the leaders of the area to provide us with evidence of storage of our documents in court, we need certainty, not more than speeches. We want to get some photos dela child dle 2006, as the last received were dated 2005. We also find the website of the Bombay Court of the names of a couple we know. (From the filing of their documents, to the sentence, not even a month has passed and soon after, they left for India!). We define anxious and angry There may even want to talk to their psychologist. Clearly, the psychologist can not help but tell us to be patient. Fortunately
September 19, I can not find our names on the website of the Court of Bombay. A certainty that we were given and by themselves. And the bitterness and disappointment grows.
meet again in November 2006 the President to turn to our observations, compared to the practice in court that does not go forward. We ask also that even photos and we found a reference to another association, with their permission can travel to the institute and take some photos for her. He says that this does not help, because they have a reference that inform us and we will have pictures. The meeting then we are advised to make a bonfire of a personal diary that I write, that the psychologist was able to see. We remain shocked by these statements, which give us another blow. Fortunately we have no way to talk about it later with a psychologist who believes that you have used some strong words, it was enough that we do not recommend this diary to read to the child in the future, because we noted a certain resentment towards the work of the organization. We send the 2nd letter to the CAI, this time asking for an interview. In late November, the couple sopranominata, returning from India tells us that the referent of the association is a treasure, which we called the school and it seems that the file is locked by the court on a technicality. The father hopes in exchange for the court in January, and says the baby is fine and is waiting for us.
December 2006
Despite our calls we do not know anything by the body, and we continue to wait alone on the site of the Court of Bombay, however, leave our nomi.Chiediamo copy of the last documents signed by the Notary. In late December, not we still got nothing. The secretary sent us back to the beginning of the year, as well as greeting cards' to the institution and Seena, which are not shipped to India because the UPS costs .... for our single shipment .!!!!!!! Then take the flight tickets as there is enough material to send.
January 2007 Also from my research, I found two sites of other foreign families to adopt Shejar Chayya and where it is said that the organization is renewing its license, and for this reason that the sentences are not. For this reason the court does not issue any ruling. The father thought it possible to renew the institution by December, instead relies on January CARA's when the Authorisation should be granted.
continually ask, but nobody seems precise information of our practice, SO we are disappointed, angry and tired of ALWAYS ALMS NEWS safe, reliable and SOME update the driver. UPGRADE TO 3 January 2007

Which brings us to January 15, 2007 : in my daily searches in the search of the Court of Bombay at last find our names again. We also find the date of the hearing (January 17)
On January 17, 2007 al'Ente call you and tell us that arriavte are new photos of the child. through the contact that sent them over the Internet and are considering our practice in court. The photos are beautiful and heartening them there a lot.
January 18 we call the body to warn us that we had the sentence and think that India can be from March 15 onwards ..... We are relieved and happy .... was that expected.
's only been 3 years .......
January 27 are always on the search engine, a change in our practice in court. Disposed is the term used and this gives us the belief that everything is ready.
March 12, 2007 after a good month or so waiting anxiously .... telefonaimo Ente that this time tells us that we can start on March 27 !!!!!!

Finalmenteeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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