Thursday, December 30, 2010

Milena Velba Touches A Dick

A Cameroonian journalist

reading here will understand that there is still much to do on themes of integration and racism. Our fellow citizens, it seems, are, on average, deficient.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kontakt Player In Lmms

old publications

story published on the site in November 2006:

anocra inspection in the archive section of the same site

Stefania, 35, Lucca

Our story begins 13 years ago, after our marriage. Time passes and the desire for a child is natural, almost predictable. Time passes and nothing happens. Time passes and people's questions are becoming more frequent. Time passes and begin testing and treatment have no effect. Time passes and the desire turns, takes a different appearance, it has become the face and willingness to accept, we think we love big. We are preparing adoption as the years flow like sand through his fingers. In 2002, we get the ability to take one or two children in 2003 to an organization we rely on for help in adopting internationally and in 2004 we do see a little tiny face in a photo. We are in 2006 and we have not yet been able to touch her face ... Although we had opened our arms to love far we can not embrace that creature. Why? Ask Ente, the Commission for International Adoptions, foreign countries, the bureaucracy, the law. We, as billions of families waiting, we will not only give a family to children who do not have it. For me, for us, this is the meaning of life ... but in the meantime the clock is ticking ... "

Another publication on the website:
We received a message that is both a lament and an outlet. We gladly publish it because it represents the mood of many prospective adoptive parents who for various reasons are unable to crown their desire for a child. Often there's one step away from goal and then his son longed for long remain a mirage.

Lilli are a future adoptive mother of a child in India.

I have often wondered what is the good of the highly praised by local children and why parents are always treated selfish because they want a child.

I have often wondered why parents rely institutions recognized as authorized by CAI to carry out their activities in foreign countries, then when there are some problems, they say that the responsibility lies solely with the institutions with which they have begun to collaborate .

I wondered why your claim that a successful conclusion the adoption in a given period of time, then the wait never ends, as for us we are waiting two and a half years we can start to pick up the child.

I wondered why in every country where the institution has a contact who should work on paper with the institution itself, then as in my case, tell us that he can not enter the institution, can not learn, etc. ..

I wonder how can a couple who is in difficulties, in real difficulty. Who should pay, what person, organization, leadership, organization, association.

Who helps couples who have problems with their 'practices'?

Why couples are expected to change as a solution entity.

should not be the institution to have to organize themselves to help this couple?

Not the good of the child, the ultimate concern of the work of bodies? What

is good?

Let the baby alive as long as possible in the schools or give the child a chance to get out of a state of institutionalization and offer you the chance to have a family? Because I

parents are forced by law to make me "turn inside out" by social workers, psychologists, judges, doctors and the entity has no responsibility when things go wrong?

Because I parent I have to prepare so many documents, to sign up sheets sheets, commitments, affidavits, decisions, and then match when no one is responsible "thing" does not go your way? Why

no one is responsible for the pain caused to those who wants nothing more than a home and love to a child?


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Compare Ceragem To Migun

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

The blog goes on vacation for a while '. Good everything to everyone.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Raised Backyard Landscaping


supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals has never been so vital. Agel MIN is the perfect formula to meet the daily need of vitamins and minerals.

not too much and not too little, just the right mix for a wonderful look and feel even better. MIN provides 100% of the recommended daily intake (RDI: Recommended Daily Intake) of essential vitamins and 50% of the RDI of essential minerals.

All people have the need to take in nutrients necessary for the construction and repair of the body while the athletes also have to optimize the daily diet in order to have extra energy for exercise. Each day you eat a variety of foods that provide essential nutrients and energy necessary for carrying out normal daily activities.

There are six categories of which the body needs to survive: the four basic macronutrients are water, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, two micronutrients are vitamins and minerals.

Unfortunately the typical western food includes excessive amounts of saturated fat and an excessive proportion of simple sugars. We must therefore seek to increase the intake of fatty acids, "good" and reduce the consumption of industrially processed foods that are rich in sugar and low in essential nutrients. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins provide us energy to perform our daily activities, for the functions of conservation and recovery of muscle tissue as well as to our osteoarticular system. To obtain an adequate intake of these macronutrients, you should take 60% of calories coming from carbohydrates, 25% from fat and 15% from protein.

Those who practice sports, their needs will increase, will require greater quantities of macronutrients, paying close attention to recruitment of proteins, whose decomposition occurs during exercise. The proper intake of macronutrients is crucial to achieving and maintaining good health, as are the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Their presence allows other substances and factors to perform their many different functions: they are like the tiny screws that allow the gears of our clock to run and run. Then act as cofactors and as such are involved in energy production, transport oxygen, is not vital human action and muscle growth.

They are also important structural components, some types of vitamins and minerals play antioxidant activity, protecting organs, apparatuses and tissues from damage by free radicals.

VITAMINS Vitamins are organic compounds that regulate and facilitate millions of chemical reactions in the body. They do not provide the body with energy per se, but they help the breakdown of macronutrients for energy production.

The body can not produce vitamins by itself, or at least not in sufficient quantities, so we need to recover from food or supplements. The thirteen essential vitamins are divided into two groups:

- fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble vitamins, the liver and adipose tissues store until the body needs it.

these substances to be conveyed and absorbed require the presence of fat in the diet, so the lack of these vitamins can be found primarily in those who follow a low fat diet.

- water-soluble vitamins

Vitamins B1 (Thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 \u200b\u200b(pyridoxine), B12 (Cobalamin), C (ascorbic acid), the 'Folic Acid and Biotin are all water soluble vitamins. The body easily absorbs these micro-compounds, but just as easily are rapidly excreted in the urine, you can not store them in sufficient quantities and that is why it is important to take adequate doses daily.


Many minerals are an essential part of enzymes. Actively involved in the regulation of many physiological functions: the transport of oxygen to each cell, muscle contraction and participation in various ways to ensure the regular functions of the central nervous system.

Minerals are required in the growth, maintenance, repair and health of tissues and bones.

Most of the minerals (zinc is an exception) is distributed in food.

A complete diet will be lacking for a few essential minerals.

Nevertheless there are exceptions. Iron deficiency is common in infants, children and pregnant women. Deficiency of zinc and copper are quite frequent.

There is a significant difference between the minerals that come directly from the land (such as those contained in the water) and those in animal and plant kingdoms because they have undergone a process that has them, in a sense, revitalized . Salts from land they have no energy and dynamism after being introduced into the body it can only leave with ol'urina sweat. For this reason you should not use table salt and very little should be marine grade.

the minerals give strength to the skeletal structure and preserve the force of the heart of brain and nervous system . Important functions are the maintenance of acid / alkaline body fluids and the creation of antibodies. Their presence allows the nutrients to penetrate into cells and toxins will be removed.

A mixed diet that includes fruits, vegetables, seeds (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc..), Grain is able to provide the salts necessary for the welfare of the organism. Salts most important minerals that the body must take daily are calcium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, chromium, manganese and molybdenum.

Soak Oats Overnight 1 Part Oats


I have a feeling. I think this whole story of dissemination of confidential documents of American diplomacy to serve its American diplomacy to establish a new course. This leak appears to me more like a shake the tree to bring down the ripe apples (or rotten), to remove the fouling of the policy Bush's foreign in his eight years in the White House.
Maybe Obama wants to do some 'cleaning in international relations using an unorthodox, even posing as the victim of an international sabotage. Meanwhile, however, so the news is out (that sull'Arabia and Iran is very important, I think) and change the tables. The rumors about our favorite are amplified and sent not by an obscure but any official ambassador himself.
Too thin, too evil? I think not. The proof lies in the fact that none of these documents is a real "secret" in the sense that no one has a special priority or has a special status of confidentiality. They are all documents generically "confidential", more or less. The real secrets are safe. It has leaked what was needed.
Waka Waka!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

2 Stroke Oil Aircooled


A mother is like a mountain spring that feeds the tree

to its roots,

but a woman who becomes the mother of the child born of another woman is

as the water evaporates to become cloud and

travel long distances to feed a tree in the desert.

(from the Talmud

And the children are the answers that life gives to us all.

They are the essence of your smile.

are blood and flesh of your flesh

but not your blood and your flesh.

They are the sons and daughters of hungry that life has of itself.

Through you arrive, but not from you.

And though they are with you, do not belong there.

entrusted all your love but not your thoughts:

They have their own thoughts.

can offer refuge to their bodies but not their souls:

they live in the house of tomorrow, there will not be allowed to visit even in your dreams.

You groped to be like them, but not make them like you:

Life is a road that always moving forward and never stop at the past.

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows have been shot forward.

Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet


We can be born by mistake,
can be born without love,
can be abandoned for fear
can be left for love, but surely become
"children" only when
a new mom and new dad
shake us to their hearts.

Our life started by chance, you drag
our lives, lives like a flower that flourishes
even in the desert or on a rock

without anyone care for him,
without anyone noticing him.

Our life unfolds
only when the hand of our mother we
dry the tears that flows through the cheek
that no one has ever caressed,
when the father tells a story
that our ears have never heard

The arid desert is transformed into a garden full of flowers
our joy when we cry
explodes the word "Mom" when she
, with just a smile or a look,
tells us "I'll be there always in our hearts

but there will always be a small corner
for those who gave us life,
for those who, perhaps out of love he gave us,
for those who, perhaps, even today, has in his heart
a little corner for us.

October 2004


India I met on a warm December night

I met her eyes off of two small homeless beggars

In seeking a corner of the sidewalk where to lie down

stand the smell of acrid smog Bombay

in India I met the rosy dawn

In singing the Muezzin who accompanied the sunrise

The melodious chirping of In tropical birds

taxi drivers who shined their Ambassador before the start of a day's work

I met India in a sunny morning

In the market of spices and colorful fabrics

In women silent and wrapped in their leste sari

incessant sound of car horns in a chaotic traffic

I met India in the sunny noon

In boys in uniform coming out of school

In the crowded bus with passengers on the roof

In the scent of spices that accompanied the meager meal of rice

I met India in a quiet afternoon

blue eyes of a white tiger in the national park

Nell'inquieto of stray dogs roam

In cows that walked the streets undisturbed

I met India in the rapid decline in tropical

night frenzy of shopping centers

In men d 'business case

tie and women dressed in Western

I met in India in its contradictions

corporate skyscrapers rise next to the slums of information that

In the villas and palaces of the rich to protect themselves misery with armed guards

I met her in India deeper misery

in the gaze of a leper who approached me to beg a few rupees

And in that desperate of a mother rummaging in the garbage to find something to eat

I met India in its most terrible exploitation

In children break stones and asphalted roads

And those who prostituted themselves at the edge of the slum in Bombay, India

I met her in bright colors of fuchsia bougainvillea


In the red mango

Nell ' ocher ground

I met India, the land that gave birth to my daughter

And in a warm December day greeted her forever.

I met India and now, with my daughter, is part of me.

Di Paola Verzura

Lord I thank you, because today

born my son away from me, but already in me and I
for him.

Teach the way home with the sun illuminating
because its path is shorter, sweeter

He who is not afraid of the night, it
cold or hunger, which is soft

his pillow and hold the hands that touch of my caresses

Tell him I love him
though not yet know his name, his eyes

or the sound of his voice.

Lord please,
ago that one day my son can forgive
the dark, empty and waiting for my warm embrace

where you can relax.

Days Past Days in the past to think, to hope

days spent days in the past days suffer

But now you are here:
to give light to our eyes,
to give joy to our hearts to give
meaning to our lives.

Maybe one day you'll wonder why:
why me, why you
why we ...

One answer we will give you:
the need for love brought us together.

There were two women who had never known a

not remember the other you call Mother.
The first gave you life
the second taught you to live it. The first
you have created the need for love
the second was there to meet it.
One gave you nationality the other
name. A
the seed of growth
other purpose. A

emotions made you the other calmed your fears.
One saw your first
smile the other dried your tears. A
left you,
was all he could do.
The other prayed for a child
and the Lord has led you.
And now I ask the perennial question:
heredity or environment,
who they are shaped? From
Only two different loves.

(Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Breast Cancer Teck Deck

GRUB multiboot

The aim of the project is to install on laptop three 64-bit operating systems: Windows 7
Pro x64, Mac OS X 10.6 and Ubuntu x64 10.10 where iATKOS v2 s3 guardian of Mac OS X. The handset is a
Fujitsu Siemens V3505 AmiloPRO with the following hardware:
  • Intel Core 2 Duo T5500
  • RAM 2 GB - DDR 2 160GB SATA HD
  • VGA: Intel 950 IGP
  • LAN Marvell
  • WIFI Intel
The first attempt was to format the disk as specified GPT ;
Windows 7 supports GPT disks not only for primary (non-system). The disk is formatted
MBR and operating systems were installed in the order listed above.
A copy of the boot sector was carried out after each installation using the live version of Ubuntu running from USB stick (copied in the form of ISO along with GRUB2).
$ sudo dd if = / dev / sda of = / boot.bin bs = 512 count = 2
The second copy of the first kilobyte specification contains not only the MBR bootloader but also the partition table etc., if This suggests that if recovery through Forzatti dd, copy the entire industry would also involve changing the partition table!
The backup will be used later. The ends
last installation (Ubuntu) reports a start menu by the bootloader (GRUB ) that offers several choices including the loading of Windows, MacOSX, Ubuntu and more.
Windows and Ubuntu are chosen while running Mac OS X no.
The only way to start a new Snow Leopard is to further load the program contained in its boot sector.
The possibility is offered by the flexibility of GRUB that I'll never cease to praise. The boot sector
1K copied after installing Mac OS X preserved (asere.bin) I quote below the folder tree of linux / BOOT so that you can easily recover from GRUB.
The last step will be to instruct GRUB in order to launch the boot loader ASER as the following example:
menuentry "MAC OSX via ASER" {
insmod ext2 insmod part_msdos
root = '(hd0, msdos5)'
chainloader / boot / asere.bin
sequence ( chain loading ) if you choose Mac OS X:

NB: Snow Leopard, due to problems of backwards compatibility hardware part only with the parameter boot-x .

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Position Employee Announcement


After having circulated among friends and relatives (who have not reacted badly, after all), now the whole of Italy (!) Can read THE OTTER BABA ', a tale written, incredibly, to me, that speaks of a small otter born in a land far far away ... Go here
e. .. fun!

PS: accept criticism and discussion. For insults buzz elsewhere ...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blanks For Hand Stamped Jewelry Bulk Quanities

Tengo family

I know. So that at this time I write a little, but unfortunately they are overworked. Is not so much the fact that the work does not leave me time to write. And 'that prevents the work of thinking.
soon return to resume to write myself, believe that you ...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Mucus Discharge Pregnant

Bunga Bunga

There's nothing to do, this man is a real trend-setter . It 's always on. But who will be the end-user Bunga Bunga?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Long Can Mayonnaise Last

video card Marco

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Toddler Skates Toronto

and Asher in GNOME menu disappeared! 20 Free Linux Books

Menus Application , and Resources System have disappeared from the top bar of the Gnome
End the session or reboot your PC does not solve the problem.
The solution is to remove the Gnome configuration from a text terminal.
Open terminal CTRL + ALT + F1
$ rm-rf. Gnome. Gnome2. Gconf. Gconfd

Restart GDM $ sudo gdm restart

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How Clean My Emu Boots ?


I hope not to offend anyone, but it took me a bit 'of time before you really feel dad. I did not hear the bells when I had MS in her arms for the first time, no. At the beginning, especially in Lagos, I was anxious for the health of literally MS and I was worried only that he drank, ate, slept, that does not take too hot nor too cold, not crying, that would not fall, that does not put objects collected in the mouth from the earth, that he had no fever, she took the drugs ... well, you get. I was worried of care physical and I was focused on this. (Some say that this is so even now, because recently I was nicely called "Anxiety" ...)

Well, I did not give much space to play, as I was concerned about his health and his safety, nor mutual knowledge. Not even in feeling, in short, as I was overwhelmed by a sense of responsibility.
Then, one evening when I got home from work rather than destroyed (MS was in Italy for a couple of months), I entered the house while the baby was crying. He had just fallen into a ruinous as only she can do (forward, face, hands free to protect themselves from the fall) and was hurt very badly.
When I opened the door, I was meeting with his walk is still uncertain, swaying with hands outstretched, with big tears that rolled down her cheeks. He shook the strong neck and said "Dad ... Dad ... so bad, so bad ... Dad. Daddy. "
At that moment something snapped deep in there. That little body twitching calling for protection and comfort dissolved my defenses. What defense? Well, maybe not even thought of becoming a father, maybe I was afraid to let go. MS has never done anything to not be loved, quite the contrary! My deals mainly with the physical side, however, was a way to not be too involved, not to declare vulnerable.
That embrace so intense, so tried for his part, that his surrender to me made me realize that I could not confine myself to be a guardian of his health, but I should first take care of his ... soul? With great spontaneity, MS had put me in front of me, saying: "Well, my boy, we have: the music is playing for a while, 'I'm here, you begin to dance too, yes or no? "
I had to accompany this child to the knowledge, awareness, love for the world and for life, not simply by the pediatrician.
So, in short, to embrace the memory still gives me a slap at the heart of this light fragrance of wisdom contained by a little girl from the hands warm. The long-rocked and I see myself as I look into his eyes and I see the future of the world and I realize it's beautiful.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How Common Is It For A Woman To Shave

8 essential vitamins for healthy hair! Vitamins and minerals

There are a lot of information on best vitamins for healthy hair.
But, we are taking on the extreme? In fact, there are eight vitamins that are essential for healthy hair.

Who does not want the hair healthy and shiny eternally? Voluminous and bouncy hair growth is a sign of healthy hair. Because hair can grow up healthy, you need some nutrients such as for all other body functions and the best nourishment for healthy hair vitamins.

Vitamins promote the growth of hair follicles and ensure the longevity . Several types of vitamins are beneficial for the hair.

Below you will find information about the best vitamins for healthy hair and their purpose in hair growth.

1. Sources of vitamin A - are cheese, milk, eggs, fish oil, meat, spinach, broccoli and a lot more vegetables and fruit. Vitamin A is an antioxidant (destroys free radicals) and nourishes the scalp hair in production sebum healthy growth of hair shiny and healthy. It prevents itching and dryness. These are regular sources of food in your diet and see the difference in the percentage consistency and growth in a few weeks.

2. Sources of vitamin E - is wheat germ oil, vegetable oil, nuts, dried beans, green vegetables, and soybeans. The inclusion of vitamin E in the diet improves blood circulation in the scalp. The scalp is not dry and contains enough food to keep the scalp well fed.

3. Sources of vitamin C - are pineapple, citrus fruits, green vegetables, tomatoes, strawberries, kale and more fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C diet maintains the overall health of hair, elasticity and structure and regenerating properties.

4. Vitamin B12 - sources of vitamin B12 include dairy products and milk, chicken and fish. Basically, this vitamin helps prevent hair loss.

5. Vitamin B6 - such as vitamin B12, vitamin B6 also helps prevent hair loss and vitamin B12 sources are cereals, liver, yeast, meat and egg yolk.

6. The sources of inositol - include liver, cereals and citrus fruits, and this vitamin keeps hair follicles healthy.

7. Biotin - Most of hair products on the market contain nutrients such as egg yolk, liver, rice, bananas, oatmeal and whole grains. Biotin helps against premature aging of hair and hair loss. It makes the hair follicles healthy and full of nutrients.

8. Vitamin B3 - also known as niacin, its function is similar to vitamin E because they do not let the skin from drying and improves the circulation of the scalp. Its sources include turkey, beef, wheat germ, chicken and fish.

Different types of vitamins in your daily diet constant for hair growth and health

The list of above vitamin helps slow down hair loss and induces hair growth by strengthening the roots and follicles. These vitamins are better if they are consumed in natural form, but unfortunately we are always in deficit. An important feature is the assimilation of supplements! In addition to vitamins, minerals like magnesium, zinc, sulfur help to maintain the elasticity of the hair, the volume and consistency. Getting the long and beautiful hair is the dream of every girl, so what prevents you from trying these vitamins?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Remington 870 Modular Combat System (mcs)

Ah, America ...

I do not know if this story is true. But I know that, with hundreds of thousands of children around the world now need a family, because they have 4 or 5 or 8 years, to look (click?) That the unborn is crazy .
What was the need to open this new front? As if the adoption had not already experienced by the public media as something midway between the deal (the children are bought), and the good work (unless someone from hunger). There was need to add this element of confusion?
Even adoption agencies are able to speak for what it is.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Can U Die From Panadol

Erotic Spanish And French


Jcpenney Hair Coloring Prices

'Give us back A magician Zurlo - reprise

I did not know, but Aldo Grasso also think like me ...
What can I say? I'm too far ...

Nurse Gives Blowjob In Wheelchair

This hotel is not a hotel - 2

We agreed with the director of the new hotel and moved the same evening. Cry a little 'misery (imagine the well-fed white making a deal last Nigerian naira with a surly middle-aged hotel manager, Lucy in the negotiation of course was known for tenacity and bold use of three small to leverage maternal sense of the counterparty) and finally we got to pay no more than what we paid in the old hotel (a figure still horribly high).

So, back to Rosabella, Sabo loaded the van with all our belongings and we did move. Nobody wanted to pack in the true sense of the term, so we threw all that into half a bit 'as it was. We looked like refugees. Toys, coffee, shoes, clothes, food, semi-open packages of diapers, it was over thrown in the van which ended with barely a snort.
A large euphoria we had hit during this move and improvised all laughed like crazy queer loading our belongings under the sun, killing two in the afternoon.
Rosabella The gentle girl who saw us go away so hurriedly did not think much to the explanation we gave for our flight ("Back in Italy, go to the airport").
Sabo said nothing and carried. I do not know what he thought of us do not know what the Nigerians who attended our mattan have thought of us. Maybe we were not very nice. For the first time, however, we were again in control of the our lives, we made a decision and we were putting in place.
freedom found in the dusty courtyard of a hotel in Lagos by the hour.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

How To Prevent Weave From Tangling


are always children to suffer.

Monday, September 20, 2010

10 Year Work Anniversary Speech

Monday, August 23, 2010

Red White To Headphone Cord

Forcing the output of an application using keyboard

A keyboard shortcut to close an application that is not forced responding.
System > Preferences> Keyboard Shortcuts
Force Quit Command: xkill
associated keys: WIN + ESC

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bloons On Ipod Touch Walkthrough

Resize and rotate images in a folder based on the EXIF \u200b\u200borientation

Package ImageMagick offers several command-line tools for working with images.
$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick
with the following bash script of (jpegto800) saved in a simple text file I resized the images in the folder:

# / bin / bash
for img in *. jpg do

convert-geometry 800x600! $ Img $ img w800_

done using the pico editor I created the script and I made it executable with chmod
$ pico jpegto800
$ chmod + x $ jpegto800
now with another tool I update the rotation
$ sudo apt-get install
$ *. jpg jhead-autorotate

Even if the website where I'll upload does not support EXIF \u200b\u200b rotating images will be oriented correctly.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Beach Long Haired Profile Russianbare

Delicious 2.1.102 The extension creates problems in Firefox under Ubuntu

extension Delicious (v2.1.102), which allows management of shared bookmarks, publications and organizations through tag no longer shows bookmarks and does not allow the synchronization of these. In additional to the problem, the Mozilla Firefox browser can not handle more correctly copy (CTRL + C), paste (CTRL + V) and other keys like SPACE.

The temporary solution until a new release comes out, is to install the previous version
2.1.072 downloadable from the site of extensions for Firefox:
https: / / / en-US / firefox / addon/3615/versions /

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Water In Lcd Wll It Dry

End of job notification for an operation of the terminal

operation carried out in the long terminal leaves you free to do anything else but binds him to occasionally having to check the end of the job started.
A possible solution would be convenient that the same terminal signal the "fine job".
aid and notify the library of an alias for bash also allow this.
install the library:
$ sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin
add the alias in your configuration file . Bashrc :
$ pico ~ /. Bashrc
the following line represents the alias that warn us of the work is finished and the outcome thereof
alias alert = 'notify-send-i gnome-terminal "[$?] $ (history
now you have to relaunch. Bashrc in order to have the new alias alert
$ available. ~ /. Bashrc
and test the notification system with a lot of work
$ sleep5; alert

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Breat Cancer North Face Jacket

background image that changes in Ubuntu

Create a folder (eg mybkg /) where to put the wallpaper images that you want to appear in sequence Ubuntu on the desktop.
Inside the folder you are going to build an XML file containing:
  • starttime A section to indicate the start time;
  • different section static each image to indicate different sections and
  • transition to specify the transition from one image to another
mybkg /:

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg

The XML file could contain:
\u0026lt; Background>

\u0026lt;year> 2009 \u0026lt;/ year> \u0026lt;month> 08 \u0026lt;/ month> \u0026lt;day> 04 \u0026lt;/ day>
\u0026lt;hour> 00 \u0026lt;/ hour> \u0026lt;minute> 00 \u0026lt;/ minute> \u0026lt;second> 00 \u0026lt;/ second>
\u0026lt;/ starttime>

\u0026lt;static> \u0026lt;duration> 1795.0 \u0026lt;/ duration> \u0026lt;file> / home/user/backrogund/1.jpg \u0026lt;/ file> \u0026lt;/ static>
\u0026lt; transition>
\u0026lt;duration> 5.0 \u0026lt;/ duration> \u0026lt;from> / home/user/1.jpg \u0026lt;/ from> \u0026lt;to> / home/user/2.jpg \u0026lt;/ Message>
\u0026lt;/ transition> ;

\u0026lt;static> \u0026lt;duration> 1795.0 \u0026lt;/ duration> \u0026lt;file> / home/user/backrogund/2.jpg \u0026lt;/ file> \u0026lt;/ static>
\u0026lt;duration> 5.0 \u0026lt;/ duration> \u0026lt;from> / home/user/2 . jpg \u0026lt;/ from> \u0026lt;to> / home/user/3.jpg \u0026lt;/ Message>
\u0026lt;/ transition>

\u0026lt;static> \u0026lt;duration> 1795.0 \u0026lt;/ duration> \u0026lt;file> / home/user/backrogund/3.jpg \u0026lt;/ file> \u0026lt;/ static>
\u0026lt;duration> 5.0 \u0026lt;/ duration> \u0026lt;from> / home/user/3.jpg \u0026lt;/ from> \u0026lt;to> / home/user/1.jpg \u0026lt;/ to>
\u0026lt; ; / transition>

\u0026lt;/ backrgound>

Each section indicate the static image to display and show the amount of time (Section duration), each section transition will show a crossfade between the image departure and destination.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Kidde Carbon Monoxide Detector, Peak Reading 12


Vitamins and minerals are vital for a healthy lifestyle. They serve as coenzymes and cofactors required in almost all biochemical processes in the body. If you do not take the vitamins and minerals you need, your energy goes down and your health is affected (*).

Unfortunately our diet today contains a large amount of processed foods, refined and subjected to complex processing. And many of these articles have little or no amount of vitamins and minerals we need.
Food for air travel, fast food and microwave pre-cooked meals aggravate the problem.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Polaris Suspension Xtra 10 Adjust

CTRL + ALT + DEL Mon Amour!

Programs, like people, not are perfect and every now and requiring a forced closure (kill) by the operator process (task manager).
A keyboard shortcut is always handy to be able to open the task manager, also under Ubuntu.
In memory of the glorious old days I decided to associate with the operator processes the configuration of CTRL + ALT + DEL although already associated with another function.

To set a global shortcut:
System > Preferences> Keyboard Shortcuts
press "Add " you will enter a "name" for this action and its
Name: Task Manager
Command: gnome-system-monitor

Finally click on "disabled" under the column "shortcut" you can set the key sequence you prefer.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Singapore Driving License Accepted In Bali

launch Explorer (My Computer) with different credentials

If I had to log in as another user to a network share a toss explorer.exe as user "administrator" and then would open the network location expecting the authentication request.
The reasons to launch an explorer with different privileges may be manifold.
C: \\> runas / user: administrator "explorer.exe / separate"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Snowboards In Ontario For A Good Price

Changing the language of Windows 7 Home Premium Ubuntu

Windows 7 Ultimate is the only version that allows you to change the language of the operating system.
If necessary you can add other languages \u200b\u200bby using the installation DVD sleapstreaming or use a third-party program " Vistalizer " allowing to select and integrate the new language system.
Vistalizer is a standalone program, it downloads and launches, depending on the version of operating system, ever since site you can download the language pack you want.
After downloading the package, through the "Add Language", select the language you can download and use this operating system.

NB: The installation of after the intervention of a ServicePack Vistalizer could frustrate the work; After entering the service pack will be necessary to repeat the procedure to use their preferred language in Windows.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Motiontrendz® 3-wheel Scooter Costs

I My Treasures for my 16th wedding anniversary!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Ovary Hurts During Ovulation

10.04 Lucid Lynx and NVIDIA drivers

Asus EN9600GT - NVIDIA video card with GPU 9600GT (G94)
One solution would be certainly interesting proposal from this blog.
not working, in my case, I decided to do a manual installation of the NVIDIA drivers downloaded from the site.
Through the blacklist for the modules you can avoid the standard drivers: run a command ALT + F2
gksudo gedit / etc / modprobe.d / blacklist.conf
add the file (comments # are important): #
MA: NVIDIA driver for manual installation
blacklist vga16fb
blacklist blacklist nouveau
blacklist blacklist nvidiafb
# MA
Enable console CTRL + ALT + F1
stop the service Gnome Display Manager: gdm stop $ sudo

Remove any drivers installed manually: $ sudo nvidia-
or installed packages: $
sudo apt-get - purge remove nvidia-*
Install new drivers
sudo sh $ (uname-r)
NB: need to compile the kernel for the headers and development packages can be obtained with
$ sudo apt-get install kernel -headers-$ (uname-r) build-essential gnome Restart

$ sudo gdm start or restart the system

$ sudo reboot

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ciminal Court Of Nw York 120-55

is not all that glitters is gold

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dolce And Gabbana Pestle

Know Your Enemy

If your computer is infected and not a simple diagnosis:
  • Insert a USB stick or protected expendable to clean up later
  • Let the virus the infected and then remove it
  • Enter key on a system connected to the internet that you certainly do not infect a Linux, assuming to speak of a Virus for Windows. A windows with autostart disabled could also be good
  • Locate the virus on the stick (better to use a completely blank support to simplify the search)
  • pass the virus to an expert that you can identify it as http:// / scanforvirus for example, or

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Aoe2 Starts But Then Stops

64bit Windows 7 and the shared printer from Windows Server 2003 32bit

An infrequent but problematic case for which the solution is not was really fast:
-Server Windows Server 2003 32bit (x86) Windows Client
-7 Home Premium 64bit (x64)
-shared printer from the server for which a universal driver is installed or proposed for which the driver is not considered valid .

In a first case (Univeral Printer Driver Xerox WorkCentre 5655) 32-bit driver on the server is universal and Windows 7 client accepts it but the operation is problematic: the opening of the only property of the printer generates errors.

In the second case (HP Laserjet 2420D), the server does not have the correct driver for the printer and when they require the driver disk, you specify the x64 version for Windows 7 that the Web Site the manufacturer provides (generic driver, universal!) and the operating system was ignoring him safely on the ground that the driver is not suitable.

One solution:
Create a local port with the name of the queue server eg \\ \\ myserver \\ StampanteLaser and wanted to force the driver without the operating system compatibility or it complains of a set that feels appropriate.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

How To Repair Leroi Air Compressor

March 27, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Deleting Folders From Vuze





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